

Food, Life, & Nature!


私たちは独自の伝統・文化を守りながら   ネパール/インド料理を提供しています。「アース」にいらしたお客様たちに、食を通じて本物を知っていただき、シンプルで清潔で自然のままの環境の中で「革新的な食事」を体験していただくことを目標としております。

店舗情報 | Branches

レストラン アース 栗山 "本店"

earth Kuriyama "Main Store".

アース コンテンポラリー 恵庭店

earth Contemporary, Eniwa.


earth Sapporo, Nishioka.

マンダラ by アース 江別 蔦屋書店

Mandala by earth, Tsutaya Books, Ebetsu.

☆メニューについて (Menu)









We have a culture that has been built based on authentic reality, Natural simplicity and human values where every individual who work on it would be treated with respect and humility. We have a respectful, fun, helpful and cooperative relationship within staff members and management teams. We have the system that pursue for quality and higher standard. We design the environment where people can create meaningful connections with their values and life. 

We are doing something that we are passionate about, i.e. “bringing lives closer to nature”, and we are fulfilling the purpose of our life through it.

☆音楽について (Our Music)


We have set-up our background music, the very traditional and classic Nepalese music. All the music tracks were created using only hand made and run instruments like; Madal, Bashuri, sarangi, Mureli, Tabla, Harmunium, khaijadi and more… without using any modern machinery equipment. So, its very pure, true and natural Nepalese music.

About Us

Welcome to “Restaurant earth” in Kuriyama, Hokkaido Japan. We are  offering original Nepalese, Indian Cuisine preserving our traditional and cultural values. Our  goal is to “connecting lives with nature through food” and give meaningful experience to the customers in restaurant dining.  We aim to make our restaurant known as a place that deliver the value of eating healthy, living authentic, and having connection with human values and nature. The restaurant destination which provide innovative and  nature conscious eating experience in a simple, clean and naturally organized environment.

At earth we are aiming to spread the awareness of protecting and adopting nature in our day-to-day life, through our business concept. We have designed our restaurant based on the principles  and our core values that we truly believe in. They are;

  • Authenticity– Be Authentic:- Be true to who you are and your values.
  • Simplicity– Life exist in simple things:- What we are doing is simple; “serving the everyday essential Human need and aligned it with their values.
  • Create connections with nature– (Nature – A living way). Create deep connections between people’s life and their natural values through food.
  • Think Sustainability– Source locally and help to create the economic balance in a local community. Also do things that can remain longer than we do.
  • Make An Impact Deliver inspiration and create positive difference in the community.

Farmers & Partners We Are working with:

長沼町の三浦農園さんの南瓜、とうもろこし、なす、ピーマン、などを使用しています。 "

Food Philosophy


近年の文明の発達により、昔から大切にされている、自然の存在に意識が向きづらくなっています。 しかし創業者は「人は自然がなくては生きていけない。自然とのつながりは生命の源」 このメッセージを伝えたいと考え、earthを創業しました。 全てのものは地球から、土からできており、長い年月をかけて生命の循環を行っています。 地球の基である土が植物を作る、人や動物が植物を食べる、そして生物が生命を終えた時に土に還り新たな植物が育つ。 この循環の一部を食事を通して感じていただけるよう、食材は出来るだけオーガニックのものを使用しています。

What my clients have to say

スパイスの効いたカレー。チキンとポークのお肉はホロホロしてとでも美味しい。 ネパール人シェフの方が厨房で作ってました。ホールの女性スタッフさんネパールの男性スタッフも笑顔で接客されていて気持ち良くランチをただきました。
yoshi naka
The cheese garlic naan is f**cking awesome,(ya I know it look not impress but believe me it is good)i prefer spicy level 3 coz 2 very mild and no kick 3 is perfect, overall the food is above average worth to try if you looking for food near by
steve loh

Please contact us